Since 1990, WIRE-Net has recognized leaders in our manufacturing community.

First, came the Community Improvement Awards in recognition of the companies who invested in their Cleveland neighborhood through industrial expansion, job creation, investment in human resources, and property beautification.

In 2000, to honor our expanding mission, WIRE-Net established our Mission Builder and Strategic Partner Awards. The Mission Builder Award recognizes industrial companies that exemplify WIRE-Net’s mission. Strategic Partner Award winners are individuals who have a strategic impact on what we do as an organization.

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we will honor our past winners and look to add new names to the list. If you know a company or person to nominate, please complete the nomination form for work they have done in the last year. Self-nominations are welcome.

Mission Builder and Strategic Partner Awards
  • AT&F
  • Jergens, Inc.
  • Stripmatic Products, Inc.
  • Swift Filters, Inc.

