Stripmatic manufactures stamped
Suspension Anti-Vibration
Rubber, plastic urethane over molded anti-vibration systems: Inners, outers, eye rings, outer loops, cab mounts, body mounts, engine mounts, exhaust hangers, links, struts, control arms.
Chassis & Frame Structural Spacers
Structural spacers used to reinforce stamped frame rails and cross members, sub-frame assemblies,
Trailer Hitch
Square and rectangular tubes with pierced holes to telescope into trailer hitch systems. Significant Cost saving opportunity versus cut tube.
Truck Trailer Hitch
Square and rectangular tubes with pierced holes to telescope into trailer hitch systems.
Class 8 Spider Bushings
Anchor pin bushings manufactured to the specific dimensions which are engineered to develop the ideal press fit into OE class 7 and 8 truck spider system. Stripmatic also manufactures torque plate and